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  • Writer's pictureCoach Annie

SMART Ways To Write Your Goals

Goal setting is an important part of making a change. It’s something tangible and helps you see the accomplishments you are achieving. It’s easy and can be done quickly. So let’s get started.

The first step to writing goals is understanding how to. There is an easy method for doing this using the acronym SMART to help. I will explain how to write SMART goals below. Check it out!

S - Specific

Your goal needs to be specific. For example, instead of saying, “I want to lose weight”, phrase it as, “I will lose 10 pounds”. Another example would be to state, “I will walk walk daily” instead of, “I want to start exercising”. Both of these examples are specific. It is clear that you want to lose 10 pounds or walk daily.

M - Measurable

Your goal needs to be measurable so you know when you have accomplished it. One example is, “I will lose 10 pounds in 2 months” or “I will walk 2 miles everyday after work” Both of these examples can be measured and checked. You will know whether or not you’ve lost 10 pounds in the 2 month time span or if you walked for the 2 miles everyday after work.

A - Attainable

One of the biggest problems people face is making a goal that can’t be achieved. For example, if the goal is to walk 2 miles after work everyday, but you have meetings that run late or other obligations that could get in the way, you won’t be able to walk. Also, everyday and after work might be hard to honor. What happens if it rains? An attainable goal might be, I will walk 2 miles after work at least 4 days a week.

R - Realistic

Realistic goals are realistic. One example is, You may want to lose weight and make a goal of losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks. This is impossible unless you starve yourself. A more realistic goal is to say you will lose 1-2 pounds for the next few weeks.

Time Bound

Goals need to have an end date. For example, I will walk at least 4 times a week after work for at least 2 miles each day, for the next month. Another example would be, I will lose 1-2 pounds a week for the next 4 weeks.

Now it’s your turn. Write up the goal(s) you would like to accomplish using the formula above. Be sure to check your goals every month or so to see how you’re coming along with it and to revamp it as necessary.

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